Individual Deductions and Updates

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What’s happening with deductions in 2019?
The standard deduction for separate filers is $12,200 and for joint filers, it’s $24,400. Itemized deductions are more beneficial if taxpayers ‘bunch’ deductions into one year. The itemized deductions that may be able to be shifted from year-to-year are real estate taxes, state income tax estimates. This bunching strategy needs to be discussed with your tax advisor to most benefit.
Some expenses are limited or no longer tax-deductible
Let’s discuss what expenses are limited or no longer tax-deductible. State and local tax deduction, including sales tax, property tax, and state income tax, is limited to $10,000. Home office expenses and unreimbursed business expenses are no longer deductible if you are a W-2 employee. Personal casualty and theft losses are only allowed if it arises due to an event officially declared a federal disaster area. Finally, work-related moving expenses are not deductible, except for members of the Armed Forces.
Medical Savings and Spending Accounts – Health Savings Account and Flexible Spending Accounts
Health Savings Accounts also known as HSA’s are available to participants in qualified high-deductible health plans. You can contribute pre-tax income up to $3,500 for self-only coverage or $7,000 for family coverage into an employer-sponsored HSA account. HSAs can bear interest or be invested, growing tax-deferred similar to an IRA. Withdrawals for qualified medical expenses are tax-free, and you can carry over a balance from year to year, allowing the account to grow.
Flexible Spending Accounts, also known as FSA’s, can be funded with $2,700 pretax income in an employer-sponsored account but have limitations on what can be rolled over to the following year based on the employer plan. The plan pays or reimburses you for qualified medical expenses. What you don’t use by calendar year’s end, you generally lose.


Contact your CPA to discuss these deductions in more depth.

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