401(k) and Profit Sharing Limits for 2022 & 2023

In the downloadable file below, you can find 401(k) and profit sharing limits for 2022 & 2023.


Important information for those with a 401(k) account or those considering opening an account:

Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) rules apply to all employer-sponsored retirement plans. RMD rules require those with Traditional and Roth 401(k)s to withdraw a certain amount from their account each year once they turn 72. If the RMD is not withdrawn by the applicable deadline, the individual will be taxed 50% on the amount not withdrawn; individuals can withdraw more than the minimum amount. These withdrawals are considered taxable income. To find your RMD, use this worksheet from the IRS.


IRA Limits

Additional Plan Limits

401(K) and Profit Sharing Limits

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